Saturday, August 21, 2010

Raaage Quit: Episode 3, Scott Pilgrim - The Expendables and the first 'Fantasy Fight!'

Its Raaage Quit episode 3! In this episode we chat about the movie 'Scott Pilgrim' and 'The Expendables' - and also our very first 'Fantasy Fight' -
squaring up Marcus Fenix (Gears of war) against Jim Raynor (Starcraft)!

HOO HA! Embrace your inner geek and tune in - they will high five you for it!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Raaage Quit: Episode 3, Starcraft 2 gameplay discussion, Scott Pilgrim Review AND ... the first FANTASY FIGHT!

Coming up in Raaage Quit Episode 3:

Daniel and Simon discuss the single player campaign of Starcraft2, and general gameplay-ness!
We also review/discuss Edgar Wright's new movie ... 'Scott Pilgrim VS the world!'

and Raaage Quits VERY FIRST .... 'Fantasy Fights' - in nerdy fashion, we choose two opposing fictional characters and pit them against each other, Daniel and Simon choosing a side to argue for and letting loose the pros and cons about WHY their chosen character should have WON!

Which characters are up first in the Gauntlet of 'Fantasy Fights?' *ding! ding!*

Marcus Fenix (Gears of War) VS Jim Raynor (Starcraft).

Tune in the next couple of weeks to hear the nerd excitement!