Saturday, December 11, 2010

Raaagequit Episode 5, December Issue!

RaaageQuit Decemeber Special

Heeeyy Raaagequit here injecting the December issue with a discussion
about the movie SKYLINE ...

Followed by discussing a swag of games for holiday pressies like ...

Thats ROCKBAND3, Mortal Kombat VS DC, FORCE unleashed 2 and ENSLAVED!

Happy Holidays to allllllllllllllllllll from Raaagequit,
remember to share your games and take care of each other! :D

See you in the new year everyoonneee!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Raaage Quit: Episode 4 and 4.5, Mac VS PC discussion, Dead Rising 2 and Halo Reach!

Welcome to the first replacement episode of RaaageQuit!

This month instead of covering what we lost .. RaaageQuit will cover 'Macs VS PCs' - a fun debate between Daniel and Simon because Daniel somewhat lost the original audio file on his Mac which sparked a fun discussion ...

.. then after that we chat about Dead Rising 2 and Halo reach on episode 4.5 which is attached to this month's episode because we mumbled on alot about Macs and PCs .... then we tear apart 'Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief'. Why? Coz we can!


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Replacement episode 4 Raaagquit!

This month instead of covering what we lost ... RaaageQuit will cover ... 'Macs VS Pcs' - a fun debate between Daniel and Simon because Daniel somewhat lost the audio file on his Mac which sparked a fun debate ....

... then we chat about Dead rising 2 and Halo Reach! Coming soon!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Oh crab apples! Episode 4 was good to go but it Raaage Quit'd and died!! *AAHHH!!!!!* I'm in the midst of re-recording ... while trying to refind what happened to our episode! ~pop!~

... looks like for the moment Raaage Quit will do a retro review that was prerecorded for rainy day incidents like this! AHH!!!!

... stay tuned! :3

Friday, September 3, 2010

Coming up on episode 4 of RaaageQuit!

We're getting punchy with it game wise by diving into the new 'Scott Pilgrim VS the world' game! The 8/16bit inspired beat 'em up... as well as 'SHANK!' - another sidescrolling beat 'em up .... we'll also give first impressions of EPIC citadel on the iphone and movie wise we dive into 'SALT' with Angelina Jolie! I need me some pepper! ...ah the 90s ....

Salt .... n .. pepper ... right? Get it?



Saturday, August 21, 2010

Raaage Quit: Episode 3, Scott Pilgrim - The Expendables and the first 'Fantasy Fight!'

Its Raaage Quit episode 3! In this episode we chat about the movie 'Scott Pilgrim' and 'The Expendables' - and also our very first 'Fantasy Fight' -
squaring up Marcus Fenix (Gears of war) against Jim Raynor (Starcraft)!

HOO HA! Embrace your inner geek and tune in - they will high five you for it!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Raaage Quit: Episode 3, Starcraft 2 gameplay discussion, Scott Pilgrim Review AND ... the first FANTASY FIGHT!

Coming up in Raaage Quit Episode 3:

Daniel and Simon discuss the single player campaign of Starcraft2, and general gameplay-ness!
We also review/discuss Edgar Wright's new movie ... 'Scott Pilgrim VS the world!'

and Raaage Quits VERY FIRST .... 'Fantasy Fights' - in nerdy fashion, we choose two opposing fictional characters and pit them against each other, Daniel and Simon choosing a side to argue for and letting loose the pros and cons about WHY their chosen character should have WON!

Which characters are up first in the Gauntlet of 'Fantasy Fights?' *ding! ding!*

Marcus Fenix (Gears of War) VS Jim Raynor (Starcraft).

Tune in the next couple of weeks to hear the nerd excitement!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Raaage Quit: Episode 2, Starcraft 2 Midnight Launch & Inception Movie discussion!

Its Raaage Quit episode 2!

In this episode Daniel covers the 'Starcraft 2 Midnight Launch' - Chatting to Starcraft Gamers, anxious (really EXCITED) fans, abandoned girlfriends, starcraft general banter and mini interviews with Electronics Boutique games staff .. a gamer girl, a friendly security guard with co-host Simon and Josh and MORE! - ALSO: Inception movie discussion! Daniel and Simon chitty chat about Chistopher Nolan's new movie! Join us in the nerdy goodness! :D

PS: This is a virtual icecream for the abandoned girlfriend that Raaagequit would like to give in steed of her boyfriend's broken promise!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Raaage Quit: Episode 1.5 World of Warcraft Discussion (Pre-cataclysm)

Episode 1.5 is the mid/inbetween-episode podcast show that discusses World of Warcraft! In other words its Raaage Quit’s pre-cataclysm Warcraft game chat! Daniel and Co-Host Josh discuss their gaming WoW history, multiple toons, Azeroth in WOTLK, classic lewts, Horde and Alliance world bosses discussion, Goblins and Worgens, PUGs, the joy of gear score … etc etc! It’s 54 minutes dedicated to WoW Geek lovin’!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

On episode 2 of Raaage Quit ....

Raaage Quit, Episode 2:
To be released 31/07/2010

Live event coverage! The Midnight Launch of Starcraft 2! We interview gamers waiting in line and discuss our first impressions on the single player campaign!

The first 'Gamer girl' of the month! We get our gamer girl to debunk the myth .. 'Do girls play videogames?' ...and ask her, what is your favorite game?

.... got a question to ask our 'Gamer Girl'? Got a 'Raaage Quit' story to submit? Or any questions or comments? Email us directly at ....

Best story/Question wins this sweet prize!
Thats right, this packet of Instant Nissin 'Ramen' could be YOURS!!


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Raaage Quit: Episode 1

Welcome to the very first Raaage Quit Podcast! Gaming and Movie reviews by gaming and movie fanatics for gaming and movies fanatics! We tackle the latest games and movies unbiasedly and in a nerd raging fashion ... so strap on your adventure hat and join us as we Raaage quit!!! >:D

Clicky click below to listen to Episode One, soon to be on itunes!

*Warning Discussion/reviews contain spoilers!*

In this episode we discuss -

Movies: Predators
Games: Super streetfighter 4/Streetfighter for iphone
also - RaaageQuit Award/Story of the month! Runtime: 54 minutes!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Welcome to Rage Quit!


What is Rage Quit?
'Rage Quit' is a new Videogames and Movie podcast rant hosted by 'Old school gamer, 2d beat 'em up, WoW and Streetfighter fanatic' Daniel and Co-Hosted by 'FPS, RTS addict' Simon with special drop in guests which may include several people you will have never heard of as well as the 'Rage Quit' Gamer Girl of the Month! Rage on!! >:D

So why listen to the podcast?
Not only does this podcast rant give you a +50 to your awesome attribute, it will also give you the ability to fire one hadoken at the nearest family, friend, pet or arch nemesis of your choice!

No really, why listen to the podcast?
... because you get to hear us rant nerd rage style unbiasedly about games and movies we play and watch. If not educational, it should be entertaining to hear bickering and possibly crying.

What is a 'Rage Quit'?
It's when you get so DURN angry at a frustrating videogame that you furiously turn it off with much anger.. and fling a control pad/smash your keyboard/hurl your mouse/scream obscenities/gnash your teeth/punch the closest wall ...... oh it's really an individual thing. You can also use the term 'Rage Quit' in the sense that .... "OH DURN this movie BLOWS!" - and storm out. In this example, you have just Rage Quit the movie.

What kind of games will you be ranting about?
Anything from XBOX360, iphone games, PS3, MAC (HAH psych! Mac's barely have games... doh i own one.), PC ...... games wise whatever we get our hands on or can afford! We will take retro requests! :)

So what gives your the qualifications to rant on about games and movies huh?
BECAUSE I HAVE A PHD IN KICKING YOUR AS....phalt. *ahem* None really .... but Daniel and Simon have been gaming since the early 80's - from tape games to Commodore 64, to Apple II, to game and watch games, to many incarnations of Nintendo (gameboys to N64's to Gamecubes to Wiis!), Sega (Master system to Dreamcast to Gamegear) to now the 'Next Gen' Systems and online revolution in gaming. We had very sheltered lives and lives in a darkroom.

Can proudly say we saved many .. many many MANY princesses though so ... yay us!

Movies wise, what do Daniel and Simon know about movies? I guess it would be easier to just photograph Simon's DVD/HD/Blu-Ray collection that Daniel often raids. They heart films. Alot.

You guys sound like unprofessional squeaky voiced geeks.
Thanks for noticing! Thats mostly because we are. Not the 'restraining' order ala carte kind though, the lovable kind you collect lunch money from with no podcast training whatsoever. We just chat. Chatty. Chat chat. Ps: .. pleasedonthurtmemuch.

Right ... i'll collect money off you later. By the way - whats the intro song of the podcast?
That song is 'Gameboy Rocker' by 8bit Weapon ( - checkout their website for 8bit inspired goodness! Mixed in with the song intro are various 8bit sound effects for the show!

So ... because this podcast sounds like a train wreck i cant look away from - how often is it?
Twice a month! Download and let the listening begin!! :) Rage Quit will be available from your local itunes store VERY soon!

Ok, lastly - if i want to comment, suggest or request ... how do i contact you?
Feel free to email us at ....

I am now done.
Thanks, here is you $5. RAAAGE ON!!!!!!! >:3